Detailed curriculum:


Full year curriculum (36 weeks)

Introductory topics(12 weeks) followed by Intermediate topics(12 weeks) followed by Advanced topics(12 weeks)

Introductory Java – 12 weeks

Variables, Strings, loops, conditions, methods, arrays, classes, class relationships, algorithms

Intermediate – 12 weeks

Exceptions, abstract classes, interfaces, access modifiers, enums, constants, object equality

Advanced – 12 weeks

Collections, lists, maps, stacks, queues, generics, recursion, trees, sorting, threads

Web Programming

Full year curriculum (30 weeks)

HTML and CSS basics (10 weeks) followed by Core and Client Side JavaScript(12 weeks) followed by Animations Using JavaScript (8 weeks)

HTML and CSS – 10 weeks

Common tags and attributes to make paragraphs, images, headings, spans, divs, tables, lists, form elements and links. CSS properties such as colors, borders, padding, margin, transitions, animations, positioning, gradients, and many complex selectors.

Core JavaScript – 3 weeks

Variables, for loops, arrays, objects, conditions, functions, algorithms

Client Side JavaScript – 9 weeks

Modifying, adding, deleting elements on the webpage, creating fun effects, checking validity of forms, introduction to canvas

Animations using JavaScript – 8 weeks

Using canvas to create graphics and animations

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